Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Ev and flow

I just did a solid, mostly trail run.  My friend and running buddy Chad ran in Webb Forest and C beat me up- Maybe me legs are heavy cause i don't sleep enough, maybe cause i drink too much coffee and not enough water, regardless, there was a moment where we stopped atop Morgan Hill that really struck me (in addition to the fun and effort we always have runnin the trails).

Chad said, "So here's Morgan hill summit.  Now you can say you have run from the lowest point in New London (by Pleasant lake) to the highest point in NL". 

"Wow, yeah I guess I did.  It's beautiful all lush and green and mossy"

I learn a lot out in the woods, runnin or hiking.  But this particular event struck me because that was how I was feeling and how condensed everything has been as of late.  Some friends and other acquaintances have been going through some rough waters to say the least.  It reminded me how life ebb's and flows.  How, even in the course of a day, we can be on top of the world, happy and healthy, feeling valued and worthy; and, as if in an instant, we can feel as though we are at the bottom, walked on, trampled, dejected; ALONE.

Well, whether you are on the top of mountain in your life or if you are attempting to climb up out of a muddy pit, know that life throws these things at us.  And that we are never alone in it, Never.  I would encourage you to move toward what corresponds to your heart, what makes your heart smile, especially in the midst of chaos, confusion and pain.

 I cannot guarantee when or how, but I can promise that if you do this, even in the moment you least expect, you will look up to see the opening in the trees you've been dreaming of, to see the story you had almost given up on. 

And in living and understanding that we cannot survive these ups and downs alone, know that Love keeps no score, and you're life and your heart, are never a burden; but rather the most precious pieces of a hopeful world.

This post is dedicated to my beloved friend Evan Shaw.  Let Jesus' snowboard carry you down where the meadows are peaceful and streams of abundance flow, flow, flow <><

listening to, Burden, by Horse Feathers:

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