Monday, March 28, 2011

a stereotype, a generation, and a young man

Dear young man,

Young man with the beer in your hand, the beer that comes in a collectable set, the kind of set that comes in thirty (what comes in sets of thirty)?

Dear young man, I am sorry, but I just don't understand.  I cannot see the point of so many drinks at once, you could come by this store again, then again, I've never quite understood, perhaps I should have asked you?

Dear young man, why is it you caught my attention?  Why is it my heart has sunk?  Do you even care what I think?

Dear young man, do I have the right to guess what you are doing with your purchase?  Should I even care?

Dear young man, are you a student or statistic?  Pretty content with life or reeling from the tension?  Somewhat found or barely understanding?  Where would you go tonight?

Is there a reason to drink alcohol at all?

Am I really Irish?

What color are your eyes?

Do you see me, right behind?

Or is there something you are trying to hide?

Are you escaping or looking to find yourself (or something else)?

What's the point?  What isn't the point?

Will you you follow your dream tonight?

Will you forgive me?

Can we grab a cup of coffee sometime?

Moving Mountains (cover)- "can't afford this color"

Monday, March 7, 2011

Internal (from the inside out)

Seems as we move faster and faster in the world, with all the communication, media, ideas, etc. that we are forgetting a big thing.  OURSELVES.  We have many personalities, a multitude of attitudes and faces and a wellspring of things to do with our time.  Yet, we are struggling.  There are new statistics on the rise and it seems like we young people just aren't as happy as we used to be.   There are many, many reasons for this, but i believe the most prevalent one is found within the false self, or rather, as Brennan Manning refers to it, "the imposter".
  The community in which I reside has really taken on a new focus as of late.  Seems like many of my friends are not only Slowing down, but they are also facing things head on and seeking healing and truth in the process.  I have used what I have seen to take stock of things in my own life and see where I am at in terms of being true to myself and the people around me.  Scary what you uncover when you look to the past to go forward.
  It is also scary that just slowing down, (i.e. sitting down and turning off your brain for a few minutes, meditating, reading or even sharing a cup of tea) with no distractions (school work, television, music) can actually be a terrifying ordeal.  As we begin to discover our identity in society as a new age of communication and young people emerge, this may be the biggest threat to our well being and success as world changers and overall happy and fulffilled individuals and communities. 
Can you sit and reflect, without being nervous or upset?
Can you sit and tell your mind to hush, if even for a moment?
Can you sit and not be consumed by the fear of a vintage Alfred Hitchcock film?
Can you sit and be... with yourself?
  The answer to all of these questions is Yes.  Maybe not right now, but it will be a convincing yes.  With practice and letting go and slowing down.  It may be our only option.  So we are all people made for awesome and amazing things.  After all, if you can sit and rest, within the "sound of silence" or even, as one friend says, "sit in the pain", then you can see the situation for what it really is, and, in the light of revelation, darkness has no choice but to flee.  Once you understand the situation, once you see things for what they are, you can see how you have the strength to overcome, even when things speed up again.
It is only when you allow that spirit to embrace you, that you can see things with eyes of truth and make peace with whatever the "imposter" says, which is not you at all.
  If we cannot find this in an increasingly fast paced society, we may never come to realize who we are or what we are actually doing here.

"Nor will people say, Look! Here [it is]! or, See, [it is] there! For behold, the kingdom of God is within you [in your hearts] and among you [surrounding you]."- Jesus

Damien Rice- "what if i'm wrong"