Wednesday, November 17, 2010

the kingdom belongs to these...

"and I become a child when she moves my world"- Damien Rice
Yesterday was one of those days.  I have recently been reminded (it is hard when you no longer work with them) that child-like elements are some of the best parts of living and we should always allow for these feelings and care free elements to be in our lives.  Experiencing a beloved summer place with an amazing brother and allowing for all the memories and flood of emotion and change to arise made me feel as though I was simultaneously eleven again while also being well beyond my years.  Its kind of like making a movie of the clouds passing by and then fast forwarding it.  Life moves, yet what happens lingers. 
  Sebago lake Maine is and will continue to be one of my favorite places in all of new England.  Point Sebago campground, Frye Island, and Jordan Bay, all painting a beautiful portrait of so many youthful lessons and experiences.  I grew and learned so much there and when I sit down next week for thanksgiving dinner with my family I will share the same abundant excitement and bubbling enthusiasm as I shared with my friend who accompanied me and the girl at Subway who just wanted me to stop talking and order my sandwich.
  I am twenty-three years old.  I have graduated college and am slowly entering the "real world" and becoming an independent adult.  Life is moving.  Yet it is the places, like Sebago lake, that remind me what is important and what is worthwhile to spend my time on.  I encourage anyone to make it a point to visit a place of your childhood, maybe even with a friend or lover.  who knows, it might be just what you need, it may even change the current course of your life altogether.  Maybe the goal of growing older is not to move beyond our childhood, but to move "in" it.  To allow for the experiences, for better or worse, to move and mold us into the individuals we Hope to be and that we already are.

Damien Rice- "dogs"

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